Tag Archives: cake

Raspberry Almond Cake with Sunflower Seeds

These days I have been trying to cut back on my sugar intake (on my doctor’s recommendation) but every now and then I desperately crave something sweet. It’s on days like this that I allow myself a tiny indulgence - a Raspberry Financier and a cup of espresso at Le Pain Quotidien. This Financier is tiny (two bites and...
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Apricot Cranberry Cake

All those that follow my blog regularly know that I constantly reiterate that I am not a good baker.  The problem is that I have a major sweet tooth and love baked goods – I just don’t like the fact that I have to follow the recipes so precisely.  This is why I like cooking – I can always...
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Orange Cake with Grand Marnier

At the very outset I have to confess that I am a terrible baker. Somehow I have never been the one to stick to rules and baking always needs such discipline that after a few failed attempts I gave up on it years ago.  The only problem with this is that I have a major sweet tooth and so...
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