Tag Archives: quick lunch

Prosciutto and Fresh Pineapple Salad

My regular readers may have noticed that over the past few days I slacked off on my blog. The reason for my absence from the blog (and thereby causing a lull on the facebook page and the website) was that I was visiting some old friends of mine in New York City and New Jersey. I used to be...
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Deli-style Chicken Salad Sandwich

This is standard fare in my household.  I almost always have boneless chicken breasts at home and so am able to hustle this up at short notice when my teenaged son and his friends are hungry.


1.    One large boneless chicken breast 2.    4-5 carrots 3.    4-5 celery stalks 4.    ½ of a medium red onion 5.    One cup of light jarred...
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