Tag Archives: mint

Grapefruit, Avocado and Quinoa Salad

My regular readers may have noticed that nowadays my recipes are leaning more and more towards healthy cooking. The reason is that just recently I was told that my A1C is rising (due to asthma medications) and that if I want to avoid getting full-blown diabetes, I have to eat super-healthy food. Of course, this came as terrible news...
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Fresh Mint-Dill Dip

For the past 4-5 days it had been raining cats and dogs in Washington DC. We had constant rain and I barely managed to get out of the house. Of course, the result was that my backyard veggie patch had to be totally neglected. Finally this morning when a tiny bit of the sun came out, I went out...
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Roasted Beets and Citrus Salad with Mint Cilantro Pesto

As I had mentioned in my last post, the trip to the Farmer’s Market this past weekend yielded some unusual finds for me – Tatsoi, Watermelon Radishes and Golden Beets.  My experiment with a Tatsoi salad earlier in the week was a success but the radish and kale chips turned out to be a complete dud! I was so...
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Mint Coconut Shrimp

Spring is in full swing in DC these days and that has meant fresh shoots of mint have sprung up all over my backyard. There is so much mint (its actually Spearmint variety) that even my dogs come back smelling of mint when they have been out walking and exploring the various corners of our backyard.  This abundance of...
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