Tag Archives: apricots

Apricot Ginger Crumble Bars

My regular readers know that I am constantly lamenting over how I suck at baking.  One day my son told me that I was terrible at baking because I just can’t follow any rules. I guess the teenager in him meant it in a pejorative way but somehow the idea appealed to me – I have always taken such...
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Apricot Habanero Chutney

I begin this post with a confession - I am a complete cheese addict.  If there were such a group, I’d surely have to be the first to join the Cheese-oholics Anonymous. The “stinkier” the cheese the more I love it! So basically I have yet to find a cheese I don’t like.  I know, I know…I should probably...
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Apricot Cranberry Cake

All those that follow my blog regularly know that I constantly reiterate that I am not a good baker.  The problem is that I have a major sweet tooth and love baked goods – I just don’t like the fact that I have to follow the recipes so precisely.  This is why I like cooking – I can always...
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