Tiramisu for Grown-ups

Tiramisu is my all-time favorite dessert and whenever I eat out, if the restaurant offers it, I must have it. So I have seen Tiramisu in all its incarnations and the ones that I like the most are the ones don’t have much sugar buthave a strong liqueur flavor.  If you like it strong, then you would love this version of it too. And the added advantage is that it is a no-cook-no-bake delicious dessert.  I do have to warn you that it has a high alcohol and caffeine content in it, so I wouldn’t recommend it for young kids.


1.    Six fresh eggs at room temperature (please do use fresh egg since they are raw in this recipe.
2.    One and a half cups of espresso coffee also brought to room temperature (I use LavAzza Crema E Gusto).
3.    ¼ cup sugar
4.    1/3 cup Kahlua (coffee liqueur)
5.    ¼ cup Bailey’s Irish Cream
6.    About 25-30 (lady finger cookies)
7.    A piece of chocolate for garnishing
8.    16 ounces of mascarpone cheese (most reasonably priced at Trader Joe’s)


1.    Separate the yolks and the whites of the eggs.

2.    In the bowl of an electric kitchen mixer (eg KitchenAid), whisk the 6 eggs yolks and the ¼ cup sugar at high speed till the mixture looks light yellow (usually takes 4-5 minutes).

3.    Then add all the mascarpone cheese and about half of the Kahlua and half of Irish Cream and whisk in the mixer at medium speed for another 6-7 minutes to make the whipped cream like mixture.

4.    While the mixer is working, mix the espresso coffee, the second half of the Kahlua and the second half of the Irish Cream.

5.    Dip the lady fingers one by one in this liquid and lay them at the bottom of a glass Trifle dish (or any dish you prefer). Do not dip the entire cookie in the coffee and liqueur mixture because they tend to soak up all the liquid quickly. So preferably dip only half of the cookie for a second or so.
6.    When the bottom of the dish is covered with the cookies, start to stack them along the side of the dish.
7.    When the entire side of the dish is done, with a spatula slowly lay in the frothed mixture from the bowl of the electric mixer.
8.    Lay another layer of the lady finger cookies, dipped in the coffee+liqueur mixture, on top of the frothed whipped mixture from the bowl.

9.    Lay down another layer of the whipped cheese on top of the cookies, so that it comes up to about the same level as the cookies standing along the sides of the glass bowl.

10.    Garnish with shaved chocolate on top and then cover the dish with a layer of plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
11.    Serve with a dash of whipped cream on top, along with hot coffee!


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