Homemade Focaccia

Most people shirk away from making pizza or any flat bread at home because they are afraid of not getting the dough right because they are confused by anything with yeast (that has to rest for some time). But this an easy focaccia recipe that does not require the dough to rest and it can be served as dinner with a salad on the side or it can be cut into small pieces and used as appetizers for a party.
1. 4 cups of unbleached all-purpose flour
2. ¾ cup white wine (a good way to use left-over wine)
3. Two tablespoons of good quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4. One teaspoon salt (or to taste)
5. One Tablespoon of dry quick rise yeast.
6. Two cups of warm water.
Cooking Directions:
1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.
2. Dissolve the dry yeast in the warm water.
3. Mix all the ingredients (flour, oil, water, salt and wine) in a deep baking dish or on a large wooden cutting board (for this you may need to add the liquids slowly or they flow off the cutting board) and mix with our hands till a ball of dough is made (takes about 5-8 minutes).
4. If you have an electric kitchen mixer, you can also make the dough in it, using the dough hook.
5. Divide the ball of dough in two parts. Each of these halves is enough to make a large sized focaccia.
6. Spread a little bit of olive oil on a large baking sheet and place the dough on it.
7. Stretch the dough towards the sides by pressing down on the dough with your fingers.
8. Try to keep the thickness of the dough consistent over the entire baking sheet.
9. Add whatever topping on top of the dough and bake in the oven for 20-24 minutes (till the sides look cooked. In the pictures I made one with sliced potatoes, rosemary and onions and another one with different colored bell peppers and onions.
10. Cut the focaccia with a pizza cutter or a sharp bread knife and serve while it is hot. I like it with a few chilli flakes on top.