Tag Archives: jam

Cranberry Plum Jam with Lemon Balm

Fresh cranberries are just starting to come into season and plums are on their way out. The peak time for both these crops overlaps for very little time – in September and probably a little bit of October. Fortunately last week I was able to find good quality cranberries and plums at the supermarket last, so I made a...
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Mulberry Lemon Jam

Lately there has been all this talk about Freeganism in the US. Although I haven’t gone all out and started dumpster diving, I have started to look at harvesting fresh fruits and vegetables that are available for free in my surroundings. I have harvested some dandelion greens and wild blackberries from a forest nearby and lately some mulberries from...
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Strawberry Rhubarb and Vanilla Jam

I love Rhubarb and it is usually quite hard to find it in our area because it has a very short growing season but this week I lucked out because I found lots of organic Rhubarb at our neighborhood Whole Foods. Most people like to make Rhubarb and Strawberry pie but somehow I am not very fond of pies....
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Mulberry-Strawberry Jam

A close friend of mine runs a day care in Oklahoma City and she is so good with these kids that I always think that these must be the luckiest babies in the world to get her unconditional love and life lessons on a daily basis.  She makes up little projects for these kids – last week she helped...
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