Tag Archives: curry

Spicy Shrimp Curry

I’ve not been very regular about blogging lately. I’m sure my regular readers may have noticed that already (some of you have sent me messages via facebook). So I feel obligated to confess at the very beginning that I’ve been a bit off my blog. For one, facebook has become so stingy about letting people get views because I...
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Ground Meat/Keema Curry with Fresh Dill

Ground Meat Curry or Keema Curry as it is known in Hindi/Urdu is a standard recipe that most Indian households (that are not vegetarian) are familiar with. It has been a staple at my place too – especially since it’s relatively easy to cook and tastes great! But my standard recipe (which a combination of how my mom and...
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Indian Meatballs/Kofta Curry

I took the last few days off from my blog because it was my birthday yesterday and I decided that for me the celebration meant taking the time off from what I normally do – so no cooking! With my husband out on a work related trip to Indonesia and my daughter at college in Indiana, the only one...
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Basic Indian Chicken Curry/Mughlai Chicken

The Indians among my regular readers will wonder why I am posting such a standard recipe but believe or not – I have been repeatedly asked by the non-Indian readers for this recipe.  Most restaurants have some variation of this dish and those that frequent Indian restaurants know this as Mughlai Chicken or Chicken Curry.  Contrary to popular belief,...
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Easy-Peasy Thai Red Curry

If you like spicy Thai food, you will love this red curry.  It is such a quick and easy recipe to follow and it tastes as good as any I have had in Thai restaurants.  It is very flavorful, quite healthy (since it has lots of veggies, low fat boneless chicken and very little oil). I know some people...
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