Tag Archives: Chicken

Lettuce Chicken Wraps

I am not a big fan of chain restaurants but every now and then I used to indulge myself in the vice of visiting Cheesecake Factory – I loved their Lettuce Wraps and their Pineapple Upside-down cheesecake!  The wraps “looked” light and tasted great, so I used them to justify eating the cheesecake.   But then I realized that I...
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Onion Flavored Roast Chicken

I love onions is any form – raw, fried, roasted or grilled.  My favorite are caramelized onions because through the process of caramelization, they get a depth of flavor that is not possible through any of the other cooking methods.  Since chicken by itself is quite bland, I thought up this recipe to use this enhanced onion flavor to...
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Shish Taouk / Lebanese Chicken Skewers

This is a popular grilled chicken dish and regional versions of it exist in all Arab countries. My family was introduced to it while traveling in Egypt.  In the US, I have found it to be the standard fare at most Middle Eastern restaurants and if one is trying to eat healthy yet flavorful chicken, this is a great...
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Lumpia Goreng/Crispy Spring Rolls

This is another one of those Indonesian recipes that I learned from a friend in Jakarta and is a favorite with everyone in my family. It is meant to be a snack in Indonesia but my kids often make a whole meal out of these. They taste so good that it is difficult to resist them. I try to...
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Chicken Friand

A Dallas based faux-French chain of restaurants called La Madeleine,  first introduced Chicken Friand to my family. For years my children would want to go to this restaurant just to eat that one dish. They did not even want to try anything else – it was the only thing they ever tried there and it was the only thing...
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