Tag Archives: breakfast

Panera Copycat Soufflé

Every once in a while my kids and I get Panera soufflés for a weekend brunch. Come to think of it, I don’t know why they are called soufflés because they aren’t really soufflés – they are closer to being a quiche than a soufflé. But whatever they are, they sure are delicious. I love the puff pastry crust...
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Cranberry Plum Jam with Lemon Balm

Fresh cranberries are just starting to come into season and plums are on their way out. The peak time for both these crops overlaps for very little time – in September and probably a little bit of October. Fortunately last week I was able to find good quality cranberries and plums at the supermarket last, so I made a...
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Indian-style Masala Scrambled Eggs

I woke up this morning and even before I could grab my first cup of tea, I found a picture of Indian Scrambled Eggs posted on facebook by David Rocco, with a title that stated – “Woke up craving Anda Bhurji”! I knew that David Rocco had recently spent a few weeks in India, and he was there to...
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